Indoor Light Painting (days 84-85)

Day 84 – Wednesday, 12.12.2012
Even though todays date is special, I really didn’t do anything notable on this unique day. I woke up, cleaned our apartment a bit, edited photos from yesterday, had lunch, did my homework for Portuguese language course and that’s pretty much it. My energy is a bit low because of the whole trip yesterday I guess.
I went to the language course in the evening and I have no idea what is going on with me at this class. Sometimes I know what we’re doing and what we learned at previous classes, but sometimes it’s like it’s my first time there and I have no idea what are we doing at all. Well today was one of these days. I was totally lost and confused, but I could see I wasn’t the only one. =) But the best part of class was when the professor was saying a word that I would write and say as ‘masa’. So I really had no idea what is she talking about, but she said we learned that word at the last lesson. So she wrote down the word she meant and it was written as ‘maçã’, which means apple. But the problem was that I was always saying this word as ‘maka’! And then she said that means those beds on wheels that are used in hospitals! Damir and I started to laugh really hard and we couldn’t stop! =D You know when you remember all those moments when you were at the market or in a store and you were saying this word and then you realise why everybody was looking at you in a bit strange way? Yeah, that’s how we felt. =D Haha! That was truly one of the funniest things that happened to me at school since I’m here in Portugal. =) And after that came one great thing… We bought tickets for Hobbit premiere tomorrow! =D Woohoo! I wanted to see it in 3D, but since it will be only in 2D here in Caldas da Rainha, I’m ok with that as well. I might check it in 3D when I’ll be in Lisbon or maybe Leiria. =)
When I returned home I did some light painting in the kitchen, because I decided to move my idea of light painting from outdoors to indoors. Mostly because I don’t have to rely on weather that is causing me problems and I don’t need a second person that would stand by my camera so nobody would steal it. =)

Day 85 – Thursday, 13.12.2012
Right after my breakfast I got dressed and when to the shop. I needed to do some grocery shopping, since I wasn’t at the store for few days because of my damaged knee. It was so lovely to walk outside, because it was beautiful sunny day and the temperature was just right. It wasn’t cold, but it neither was very warm. It was like an autumn day. =)
After I came home I just closed some doors and put down the roller blinds. That’s how you do light painting during the day. =) So I took some photos and I think they turned out quite interesting, but I think I’ll try to do them even better and I’ll try to be even more creative. I got an interesting idea, so we’ll see if it works out as I would like it.
In the afternoon I had class of Digital Photography and I took my light painting photos with me to show them to professor. Well as usual we were sitting and just doing nothing for about 2 and half hours… I hate that. I mean, I can surf on the internet at home! And those white lights that are usually in schools, and also the monitor… That is just killing my eyes and my head! I feel like a chicken in a factory in environments like that. Well professor finally checked my photos and he liked them, but recommended me to try different colours and maybe to experiment a bit more. So what I have to comment here is that I really like this professor, but what I hate is the system of waiting and doing nothing. I think it would be so much more interesting if everybody would be showing their photos on a projector, so everybody would see what others are doing and maybe we could learn something new, or at least we would learn from mistakes of others. Otherwise it’s just boring.
So now I just came home and wrote this, but soon I’ll have to get ready because we will go to see The Hobbit! I can’t wait! =D I’ll write about it tomorrow. =)

Indoor light painting of our dining corner.
Indoor light painting of our dining corner.
Indoor light painting of our kitchen cabinets.
Indoor light painting of our kitchen cabinets.
Indoor light painting of our hallway.
Indoor light painting of our hallway.
Indoor light painting of our bathroom.
Indoor light painting of our bathroom.
Indoor light painting of my bedroom.
Indoor light painting of my bedroom.

Quotes on my wall (day 78)

Day 78 – Thursday, 06.12.2012
In the morning Gaja packed last few things and went on a train to Lisbon. She has a flight tomorrow and she’s going home for holidays. She will return at start of January. So now we lost a ‘family member’ for a month and it’s only Damir and me. But still, I was in cheerful mood today and I decided to write some nice quotes on small papers and stick them on my walls in a room. Some that are about starting a day with positive energy are above my bed and others above my desk. I felt a bit creative when writing these quotes, because I did that with colour pencils and when I use those I always feel like a kid. I used colour pencils a lot when I was a child. =)
And I made my ‘Gratitude Book’ today and started to write a lot of things that I’m grateful for. It’s a tip from a book The Magic, and I know it was mentioned in previous books by Rhonda Byrne, but I never actually had a special book just for this. So I decided to do that now and it just feels nice and right, so I will keep on writing in it. =)
In the afternoon I should have a class of Digital Photography, but I don’t know, I was in a bit weird mood and a bit like in my dream world with all these colour pencils and happy thoughts. I guess I didn’t want to ruin that, so I stayed at home. I’m sure I didn’t miss anything important and I’ll bring all my homework next week so I think it should be ok. I don’t have to be miss perfect great student all my life. I can get some days off sometimes! =P So yes, I stayed home and I liked it. And I spent quite some time cleaning most of the apartment today, so I did something for the ‘general good’ too. =)
I’m adding some photos of my quotes on a wall and my new paper lamp that I bought yesterday. And I have to say that I just love this feeling of happiness for no particular reason. You know, when you’re just simply happy and you don’t worry about anything at all! That’s how I feel most of my days here in Portugal. But I’m only human so I’m allowed to have some bad days here and there you know. =) Just for the information. =)

Quotes above my desk.
Quotes above my desk.
My room with new paper light and my big blue ball. =)
My room with new paper light and my big blue ball. =)
Quotes above my bed.
Quotes above my bed.

My room (day 10)

Day 10 – Saturday, 29.9.2012
We were able to sleep for as long as we wanted this day, but of course I woke up at 7:00… But that’s ok, I had enough sleep and now I have my own room so I don’t bother Damir and Gaja when I’m awake. So I decided to write all this text in previous post, before I forget everything that happened. =)

My cute room that still needs some character…

We noticed that our neighbors at some other building have two birds in cages and sometimes they make loud noises… But what was the most shocking was when I was looking through the window and saw something grey on a roof or balcony. At first I thought it’s some machine or just something that’s part of the roof, but I thought it looked a bit fluffy. Then it moved and it was this really huge and fluffy cat! Really, it was one HUGE cat! I hope I’ll be able to take a photo of it someday because it’s really crazy to see something like this when you don’t expect it. =)
And yes, now we are able to wash our clothes and we have to dry them on clothes line that goes along our windows. I think we understand the system now… I hope. =D

Clothes line and view to the red building with birds and huge cat. =D

Also my room has some character now that I put some small colorful clothes pegs on a curtain. It’s not much, but at least it’s a bit less dull… And I’m going to buy a green dream catcher this week and put it above the bed. =) I really like this room because it’s just a perfect size and I get the afternoon sun so when I sit here at the table it’s really nice and warm. =D
This time, as you can see, there are even some photos of my room. So yeah, I’m making progress. =P

Clothes pegs 01
Clothes pegs 02
My new Buddha holder for scented sticks. I love it! ❤