Ljubljana castle – Ljubljanski grad

This weekend I went to the castle above Ljubljana. I’ve been there quite a few times and I’m always impressed by the amazing renovation they did. I simply love how they combined this medieval complex with some modern touches and it still feels castle-like. I know some people complained at first, saying it doesn’t fit, but I think they did a great job and it seems tourists like it too.

Anyway, at the moment there is an exhibition of National Geographic 50 best photos in the last 126 years since the magazine exists. It is simply amazing! Some photos look almost unreal, but others simply hit you with reality. If you have a chance, go and visit the exhibition, it is worth those 2€ entrance fee.

Since I was at the castle anyway, I used the opportunity to take some photos, though many tourists kept on jumping in front of my camera so I couldn’t do as many photos as I would like to. I guess I’ll have to go there some other time again, not Sunday afternoon.

Velika Planina in Summer

With a week delay, here are some photos from my trip to Velika Planina. These are showing nature, typical houses and herdsman village that is full of cows from spring to autumn. It’s really interesting because it’s so different. I imagine it must be really unusual to people that are used living in cities. I can imagine some crazy Japanese tourists that take photos of everything, but this time I didn’t see any so maybe their season is just starting or maybe they don’t know about this not so hidden gem? Who knows. =)
Anyway, this location used to be full of people during any season, then it was empty most of the time, but slowly this is changing and I really hope this place will thrive again. I guess Slovenia is getting more tourists in general so I guess it’s possible. We’ll see. =)