Potovanje nazaj zdaj na spletu/ Traveling back now online

Moja končna šolska naloga pri predmetu videofilm je bila kratki igrani film. Scenarij sem ustvarjala par mesecev, že od začetka pa sem vedela, da želim na koncu predati neko pozitivno sporočilo. V filmu sem skušala čim manj povedati z besedami in čim več s sliko, sicer pa je film posnet v slovenskem jeziku. Odločila sem se za rahlo nadrealistično dramo, ki si jo bo najbrž vsak razlagal malce po svoje, kar se mi tudi zdi prav.


My final assignment at subject videofilm was a short movie. I was creating script for few months, but I knew from the start that I want to have an ending with some positive message. I tried to less with talking but more with picture itself, but otherwise the movie is filmed in slovenian language and has no subtitles. I decided for a bit surrealistic drama, that everyone will probably interprete in his own way, which I think it’s the right thing.